I didn't need to much at all this week, just a few basics. My biggest stop was Meijer. I took advantage of the GM, Nature Valley, and Betty Crocker catalina deal. Did you???
So, if you purchased $20 (before coupons) you would get an $8 OYNO coupon. I thought I would break it down for you, I know this catalina stuff takes a while to really understand. It is tricky :)
I bought everything in the picture below. My total was $20.23. After I scanned all my coupons my total was $11.77. I paid the $11.77 and recieved a coupon for $8 off my next order. So, effectively I only paid $3.77 for all the stuff in the first picture (or $.34 an item). Also, that cereal is the biggest box you can get...for some reason it was on sale cheaper than the smallest box?!? Awesome, huh?

Next order...I scanned all these items and paid with that $8 coupon. My total was $8.34 for I just had to pay $.34! I just threw in random stuff that I needed to make sure I was at $8.

Next was a trip to Aldi. I am sorry, I just can't pay $1.99 for milk at Meijer when it is only $1.29 at Aldi. Oh, and trash bags are a great price there, too. At Aldi I paid $8.47!!!!

My total for the week was....$29.04!!!!!!
I am very tempted to go back to Meijer and do that deal again. We blow through the granola bars in this house.
I forgot to tell you but I saw an ad for Marsh's and they have Purdue
split chicken breast (with bone) for .88 cents a pound. Not sure if their ad is off today or tomorrow.
Love that sweet and salty bars by Nature Valley!! We tried the saltine crackers at Aldi's and we like them.
You are seriously, an ispiration!! I hope if I keep reading you I'll start to get it. I am a total coupon IDIOT!!!!
You will get the whole couponing thing. It jsut takes time to figure the whole thing out. Let me know if you have any questions :)
You always do SO good. :) My big stock up sale this week was the hamburger and I thought I would get it for 1.49 a lb. but they were marking some packages down to 1.19 a lb. WOO HOO! Needless to say I took them all. :)
Way to go on the ground beef Misty...that is an awesome price. Our Kroger barely marks things down at all.
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