Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hot Chocolate Mix

I love this homemade hot chocolate topped with marshmallows.

Thinking about writing this made me crazily want some. So, I made some to drink so I can get my fix. Unfortunately there are no marshmallows today. Samson, my cute but crazy lab, ate them all.

It all started a long time ago when I was out of his cookies and I made the mistake of giving him a marshmallow...

It was like dog crack...and here I thought that's what milk bones were. Just one bite of that fluffy deliciousness was all it took to get him addicted. If I hold a milk bone in one hand and a marshmallow in the other...he goes for the marshmallow ten times out of ten.

A while back I got about four bags of marshmallows for free after coupons. I put them with the stockpiled stuff in the basement (about 4 shelves up). A few days later we noticed Samson going down to the basement ALL.THE.TIME (which he never does).

I didn't think much of it until I went down to do some laundry a few days later. I walked over and low and behold a bag of marshmallows had made its way down from the fourth shelf...all the way to the floor!

The bag was opened very carefully. There were marshmallows missing. The bag was a sticky mess. AND...I had one happy dog on an extreme sugar high!

Funny, once I cleaned up his mess and made sure he couldn't get into the other bags he had no interest in going to the basement. The little stinker...
I guess you gotta do what you gotta do to get your fix.

I digress.

This hot chocolate mix is wonderful, frugal, and it makes an awesome gift! It makes a big batch which is perfect for gift giving!

10 cups dry milk powder
4 3/4 cups confectioners sugar
1 3/4 cups unsweetened cocoa powder
1 3/4 cup powdered non dairy creamer

1.In a large mixing bowl, combine milk powder, confectioner's sugar, cocoa powder, and creamer. Stir till thoroughly combined. Store cocoa mixture in an airtight container. Makes about 15 cups mix, or enough for about 45 servings.

2.For 1 serving, place 1/3 cup cocoa mixture in a coffee cup or mug, and add 3/4 cup boiling water. Stir to dissolve. Top with dollop of whipped cream or a few marshmallows, if desired.

Estimated cost: $8.00-$9.00 (not bad for 45 servings)


Kimi said...

I am sooooo making this!! Samson sounds like he might be related to my doggies!! Only one of them is lab though. Maybe they are so crazy due to the owners who raise them?! I told hubby to not spend so much time with them!! *wink*

Tightwad Mom said...

I love home made hot chocolate mix. It is the best! I swear labs are just like little kids! Our Lab, Abby, loves Tootsie Pops and Dum Dum suckers(that is her doggy crack). I have watched her ever so carefully take them out of an unsuspecting child's hand, sneak down to the landing on the basement stairs and lick it until it's gone. She holds between her paws just like a kid would hold it. She even knows when we have them in the house! She'll sit in front of the pantry door until you give her one!

Misty said...

I will be adding this to my "homemade" gifts list this year... YUM!

Tiffanee said...

I love that story!! What a clever dog. I love home made hot chocolate it is the best!!

Misty said...

Rylee and I made this after church yesterday, it was so fun and easy. I love things like this that I can do with her. :) Now, who gets this mix versus cookies and snacks?? That's the question... haha.

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