I started off my freezer cooking in a bind last week. I was browning all of my ground beef with onions, so I had a lot of chopping to do. I purchased a bag of onions at Aldi, they looked a little close to death, but that was all they had. Anyways, when I went to use them they were completely dead.
Frustrated I was trying to come up with a quick solution. I ran up to the grocery store and looked in their frozen food section. I found frozen diced onions. I knew they had them, but I guess in my quest for frugalness I imagined they would be a lot more money.
Frustrated I was trying to come up with a quick solution. I ran up to the grocery store and looked in their frozen food section. I found frozen diced onions. I knew they had them, but I guess in my quest for frugalness I imagined they would be a lot more money.
I bought 2 bags, and each bag was only $1.40.
Here is a little math...I figure that 2 bags equal about 1 whole bag of onions. I paid $2 for the bag of onions...and the already frozen pre chopped onions only cost $2.80.
I don't know about you, but convenience trumps frugality here! I will gladly pay an extra $.80 to save both time and money. Not to mention the stink and the fact that in the freezer they last a whole lot longer!
How about you?
What do you find WORTH the additional cost for the sake of convenience?
I didn't know you could buy them frozen. The cost is not bad at all. Thanks for opening up my eyes. I will be looking for them next time I am in the grocery store.
You can also buy mirepoix and other mixed vegetables (onions, green peppers, etc). If you plan ahead you can buy them on sale.
I think buying frozen waffles is totally worth the cost of not having to make my own and freeze.
Well, I learned something NEW... I didn't even know they sold these (or peppers). I will definitely choose these as I hate the smell of onions on my fingers after a freezer cooking day. :)
P.S. Tim will LOVE this post. Go Kroger! :)
@Tiffanee- Yes, give them a try...you will wonder why it took you so long to find them!
@Mara- Thanks, you better believe I will be on the lookout for them on sale from now on. What a great item to have on hand!!
@Shanade- I love it...we all have THOSE things that we would rather pay for. Waffles are kinda time consuming! I can see why it is better to just buy them.
@Misty- Go Kroger! I hate the onion smell, too...it is worth it just to save that stink!
I've used the frozen ones before...and they work great in cooked foods!!!
As for the onion smell on your hands....my mother-in-law taught me a LONG time ago...that if you cut your onion with a knife that has an aluminum handle...when rinsing the knife...rub the aluminum handle between your hands..and it takes away the smell...believe it or not...it REALLY works!!!
She gave me one of her knives and I still have it!!!
They say this works with stainless steel sinks too!!
I would definitely use them. I actually looked for the frozen ones this week and could not find them! I got frustrated and bought a small onion, which of course was cheaper. But I am all about convenience and I also buy frozen waffles and pancakes. I am sure there are those who think that is horrible! :) But, hey it works for me and I try to be very frugal in other areas. (But could be better.) Sometimes I feel like I am just being lazy! I am learning not to compare myself to what others do.
I would definitely use them. I actually looked for the frozen ones this week and could not find them! I got frustrated and bought a small onion, which of course was cheaper. But I am all about convenience and I also buy frozen waffles and pancakes. I am sure there are those who think that is horrible! :) But, hey it works for me and I try to be very frugal in other areas. (But could be better.) Sometimes I feel like I am just being lazy! I am learning not to compare myself to what others do.
I totally agree with you! I figure as long as you aren't paying a HUGE difference, go for convenience. (Unless you actually enjoy chopping onions, LOL!) Your time and sanity are worth something, too, LOL!
Wow! What an awesome trick. I may have a knife with an aluminum handle tucked away in my camping box. I will get it out and try.
Your last sentence was key...we can't compare ourselves with others. You are not at all lazy for buying some frozen food for the sake of conveninece. We all live busy lives and can't do everything from scrath.
I remember one time I set out to make all bread homemade. It was a great idea, but just wasn't realistic for me. Although, there are plenty of women who do that, but you know...I am not them :)
Also, we could all be more frugal in one way or another. Life is too short to obsess about it all the time. My frugalness in the kitchen is just magnified because I blog about it...but there are areas that need a little work on my part, too....like sometimes shopping...or coffee drinks!!
Yes, for a small difference it is worth it! Enjoy chopping onions??? I would like to meet that person, but then again, they probably always reek of onions so I may not want to :)
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