CSN Stores has everything and anything you could ever want...from counter stools to rugs, outdoor furniture to grills, they have it all! My favorite is their vast array of all things kitchen!
They also have great prices, which you know, I am all over great prices! I have a wish list going of everything I want to order!
I got to pick an item to giveaway, so...I picked what is at the top of my own wish list! Are you ready...a LE CREUSET baking dish!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!!

Would you like to win this awesome baking dish?
There are three ways to enter, and each one will give you a separate entry! You must leave me a separate comment for each entry along with your e-mail.
1.Leave me a comment and tell me what you would bake first in your new baking dish!
2.Subscribe to my blog via e-mail or a reader. If you do this leave a comment on this post telling me that you did with your e-mail so that I can contact you.
3. If you love my blog become a follower. If you do this leave a comment on this post telling me that you did with your e-mail so that I can contact you.
*Sorry, this giveaway is only open to residents of the US and Canada
*This giveaway will end Thursday, April 22, at Midnight EST.
*I will email the winner, who will have 48 hours to respond by email or I will have to pick a new winner.
*Please leave your email in each entry so I have a way of contacting you if you win
I did not receive any compensation from this giveaway. I was offered the chance to giveaway an awesome product, and I took it!
Thank you so much for sharing all of your shopping smart knowledge with us tonight! I am already planning a trip to Aldi ASAP! Holly
Thank you for the class last night. Everyone was welcoming and you did a wonderful job.
I am now following you! On here not I wanted to clearify because I want to win. :)
I already subscribe to you in reader. Your tips are on my front page everyday.
I plan to make your Parmasan Garlic Chicken. I have been wanting to try it for awhile now.
Hey Katie!!!
Hmmmm....I would LOVE to get this baking dish...b/c I am SUCH a great cook....oops...Chuck said I better retract that or I shall have to repent for lying on Sunday!!!
ANYWAY....I'd bake up some Chicken Tettrazini in that cute little dish!!!
I'd love to make lasagna or stuffed shells in this dish!
Hi Katie- THANK YOU so much for sharing with us last night! I learned a lot, it was great. I subscribed to your blog with e-mail address: office@tricountynaz.org
Hi Katie, I am already a follower and a subscriber. :) So, mark me down for 2 entries and now a 3rd. :) If I won this LOVELY pan, I would probably make my homemade lasagna in it...to break it in. Then I would look to you for more recipes. :)
I am SO amazed at how the Lord is moving through you and this ministry... He is SO good. You did AWESOME last night. :)
Love ya!
Hey Katie,
Looks awesome! I would make lasanga or chicken rice casserole...I am also a prescriber but not sure how to become a follower? I couldn't figure it out...??? I will keep trying. :)
Great job last night. I really want to try this couponing for my family and save us some money!
I would love this! What a great giveaway!
I am subscribed through reader.
I am a Follower...
I have subscribed... :)
I subscribe to your blog via email, and I love it ! My email address is dacjmom@roadrunner.com
Hi again ! I also follow your blog. :Love it too! Thanks for the class yesterday . I learned a lot. My email is dacjmom@roadrunner.com
I would cook chicken enchiladas in there, The kind that uses Rotel tomatoes! It's good!
Oh, I'm thinking enchiladas!
I will make enchiladas.. or mac and cheese first ;)
I subscribe via email.
I am a follower! =]
Hey Katie!!! Great job last night! I became a follower! My email is jen781986@gmail.com!!! Thanks so much for preparing all of that last night for us!! It was extremely informative!!
Have a great weekend!
I also subscribed....I think...?? :)
I have one like this from CSN Stores! I love it! Mine is Caribbean Blue! Love it!!!!
I can't remember what the first thing I made using it though....could have been Green Bean Casserole, or Stuffed Peppers or Apple Crisp! I've even made a coffee cake in it!!!
It cleans up great and is very versatile!
What a lovely giveaway! Thanks for giving us this opportunity.
I just emailed you something :)
I meant I subscribe-duh!!!!! (blonde moment! Ha!)
I also just became a follower.
Thanks for your email.
I follow your blog. And I love it! Thanks for all the time and effort you put into it.
I would make Chicken Parmesan..it is in my freezer. I just need to pull it out and bake it in that wonderful dish. By the way Misty, I feel the same way about the food I've put in my freezer. I want to save it. You never know when you might need it and I dont want it to run out.LOL I am just releaved that I am not the only with like that. LOL
Hi Katie,
I would make my bicycle club chicken in this pan.
I am already a follower of your blog. In fact, I check it daily.
I have already signed up for your
Thanks for sharing your wealth of information with me. Still not half as good as you are, but trying.
I would make cobbler in the pan! I want to win so bad!!!!
I am already a follower of your awesome blog! Keep up the good work!
I subscribe...I read it every day! It is my favorite blog!
I need to win!!!!! This would be an awesome birthday gift for me :)
I would probably make my famous lasagna! Maybe then cutting back would feature it on here! I will have to work on her!
I am a follower already!
I subscribe already! The only reason I check my inbox.
Nothing! I would have Dana make me a blackberry cobbler. Rather, I would beg Dana to make it!
I follow Katie already!
I get your emails everyday!
Fruit crumble baby!!!! Oh yeah, this is an awesome recipe!
I subscribe through email. So when menu plan monday comes out I know what I will be eating.
I was probably your first follower!
I had a great time last night learning some new possibilities on how to save our family some money. I enjoy reading your blog and getting some new reciepe ideas. I also am trying to shed a few pounds before trying to fit into anything that resembles a bathing suit!!
As of now, the things I would make in the new baking dish are limited while dieting(unless you have any yummy ideas). However, if I won, I may splurge and make the family favorite...Chicken and rice casserole!!!
Once again, thank you for sharing your knowledge and I look forward to giving it a try.
"Fail to plan....Plan to fail" Your sister in Christ. Amy Lewis.
Sounds like your class was a great success. Congrats! The first thing I would bake if I won would be chicken enchiladas.
I'm already a follower! :)
I check in with you daily and love your blog. I would love the casserole dish and would likely make enchiladas in it.
I would love to win this! My office gals love it when I cook but they are startgin to comment on the scrathy old pan. I would probably make them lemon bars in it. clholcombe@embarqmail.com
I just found your blog and have already started using your many tips! I have just recently been "laid off" and have decided to just follow money saving strategies and not stress at the moment; I have full support of my husband to enjoy this time to become a savvy homemaker! Would love to win the dish!
I would cook my famous macaroni & cheese casserole. Yum Yum!!! I love Le Creuset products. They are well worth spending your money on. Thanks, Tammy gordonfan@embarqmail.com
I subscribe to your blog via email. Love it!!! Thanks for the opportunity to register for a really nice giveaway. I love Le Creuset products. Thanks, Tammy gordonfan@embarqmail.com
I would make some baked oatmeal - my new favorite food!
I'd make a favorite of my husband's ... dorito casserole, if I won the dish.
mymadakaja at yahoo dot com
I'm following your blog via Google Friend Connect.
mymadakaja at yahoo dot com
I subscribed via rss and not just because you're holding a giveaway. Your blog's title gives me some home in the kitchen. LOL
mymadakaja at yahoo dot com
I would make an apple crisp!
urchiken at gmail dot com
THanks for giving us the opportunity to win such a nice item. I have a dutch oven by Le Creuset and love it!
dorking at acsalaska.net
I would bake lasagna...mmm. I love anything by Le Creuset...Good choice. :)
Hi Katie,
Thanks so much for so much info on couponing...I would clip coupons then let them sit cause I did not have them with me...but gonna try and change that....
I've subscribe with my email..sewlonely@yahoo.com love having something good to follow and read.
Hi Katie,
I am already a follower, but I want you to know that I really enjoyed your class. Time went by so quickly. I have tried many of your recipes and in my new blue Le Creuset baking dish I would make baked stuffed shells. Did I mention my favorite color is blue:)
Hi Katie -
Great giveaway! I have two smaller Le Creuset baking dishes (in green) and I love them! My favorite part is that they are so easy to clean. I'd love to make mac & cheese in this one!
I'm a follower!
Hi Katie,
I am already a follower and I really enjoyed your class. I am inspired to be a better steward of my money by using your tips! I have tried many of your recipes but not the stuffed shells yet. I think that is what I will make in my beautiful blue Le Creuset baking dish if I am chosen:)wandaeichler@fuse.net
Hi Katie,
Did I mention I love the color blue? wandaeichler@fuse.net
I would make some scalloped potatoes
I'm a follower
I subscribe to your blog via email. My email address is jwalters@luxotticaretail.com
I would try to bake Lasagna or Dana's Coffee Cake.
Hi Kate,
Thanks for the class the other night. I became a follower. My email is c3jjohnson@aol.com
I also subscribed with the same email address. C3jjohnson@aol.com
I would make Lasagna in the dish
I would make taco casserole
follow your blog as jelaws5
I just found your blog and giveaway! I would love to win.
I am now a follower.
I would make either apple crisp or au gratin pototoes.
There is no question that I would make my famous baked Lasagna! My old baking dish has seen better days. I could really use a new one.
I would have to bake our families favorite chocolate cake. az34me@msn.com
I subscribed to your newsletter. az34me@msn.com
lasagna! or a chicken spaghetti bake :)
Please enter me! I would probably make Chicken Pot Pie in mine if I won. My family loves it!
clarksrfun at gmail dot com
I'd make hashbrown casserole!
I would like to bake chicken enchiladas first.
Chicken Tetrazzini or Manicotti.
Wow! This is a great dish! I think I would make enchiladas or something equally yummy:)
miamichickens at yahoo dot com
Probably chicken parm -- my other half has been craving it!
Homemade macaroni and cheese with panko bread crumbs!
Me, me, me! I want it! :) I would bake pasta or lasagna in it. My favorite. :)
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