Thursday, April 8, 2010

Savings Strategies Class

I am excited to be teaching a class on my savings strategies. I love to talk about all of this fun stuff one on one and now I am going to have the opportunity to do it on a larger scale. Topics that will be included are couponing, sales/pricing info, freezer cooking, stockpiling, menu planning, and setting a grocery budget!

I certainly don't have all the answers, but I love to share what all I have learned while on this frugal journey.

I know I that most of my readers aren't local, but there might be a few from Cincinnati out there! If you happen to be a fellow Cincinnatian please come on out!

The class will be held next Thursday, April 15 at 6:30 at Tri-County Church of the Nazarene. The cost is $5 for your dinner of LaRosa's pizza, pop, and ice cream...that is it!

If you are interested in coming let me know and I will get you signed up!


Anonymous said...

You're going to be great! Just share from your heart!

Jessica said...

oh fun...maybe my husband will spring for an international ticket? hehe

Michele said...

I would love to come. Could you post the address. Can I bring my daughters (18 and 13 yrs) if I pay for them?

Michele said...

Some of my co-workers are interested as well. They would like to know how long you expect the class to be?

Thanks again

Katie said...

Hi Michele,

The address is
4778 Tylersville Rd
Hamilton, Ohio 45011.

It is in West Chester!

The class should go for about 2 1/2hours, so it will be done around 9 pm. I will try to keep my stuff to 2 hours so I have plenty of time for Q&A!

I hope your friends are able to come with you...just let me know how many you have all together and I will put their names on the list. That way people aren't fighting over the pizza...ha ha!

Katie said...

Oh, I forgot Michele...of course you can bring you daughters!

Unknown said...

I'd come if I lived closer. Good luck!

Katie said...

Jessica, yeah, why not aren't expensive or anything!

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