Have you ever tried to measure honey in a measuring cup?

The next time you go to measure honey for some honey corn muffins remember this tip...
Spray your measuring cup with Pam beforehand. Oh, the honey will just flow right on out...no more frustration.
What a great idea!
Another way is to measure it by weight. I have a cheap kitchen scale and you can easily just put your mixing bowl on the scale and pour honey out til it reaches the right weight. The nutrition information should have measurements in both weight and volume so the conversion can be easily done!
Both of those are GREAT tips... honestly, I avoid honey recipes for that very reason, so I'll try it the next time I make some sweet honey cornbread. :)
That is a great idea. I have a kitchen scale that I have never used. I will have to buy a battery and try it out.
It was one of those, "I can't live without this" purchases, that we never use.
I love you for this tip!
I use honey a lot and use this method often. It works like a charm.
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