Thursday, October 28, 2010

Freezer Cooking Worksheets

Today I want to share some freezer cooking worksheets that I created.

When you are going to have a freezer cooking day, you need a plan of some sort. Going into the kitchen and cooking haphazardly can be a recipe for disaster.

A good plan ensures that you are going to have everything you need and your day will go a lot smoother.

If you are not a perfectionist, planner, or a list making fanatic like me you may think I am a little over the top by having worksheets. That's okay. This isn’t for everyone…the point is to make freezer cooking work for you, however that may be.

First I use a Master Planner. I write down what I am making, where the recipe is located, and a grocery list. From there I go to the Prep and Assembly Sheet. I use one column for Prep work. For me the prep side is usually what I will do the night before…cooking and shredding meat and chopping vegetables. Then in the Assembly column I write the tasks for the big cooking day!

Here are the lists...

Freezer Cooking Master Plan

Freezer Cooking Prep and Assembly List

How do you plan your freezer cooking days?

If you are new here, you may want to check out the previous posts:

How to Begin Freezer Cooking

Freezer Cooking Questions and Misconceptions

What Can I Freeze and How Long

How to Package Your Freezer Meals

Making a Freezer Cooking Plan

Next up is our last post in the series...A Freezer Inventory


Misty said...

Did you read my mind girlie?!? Yesterday I just had on my to do list "Find Freezer Worksheets", of course I didn't get to them yesterday, and now I don't have to look far do I??? Thanks so much... I can't wait for the freezer inventory, I need a worksheet for that, since I do mine at the end of the month. :)

Bitterroot Mama said...

Thanks for sharing the sheets. Great idea! It's always lovely to have a plan.

Katie said...


I am a mind reader...awesome! I hope these work out well for you. I am working on (actually Daniel is) a freezer it will be up next week!

Katie said...

Hi Bitterroot Mama,

I couldn't agree need a plan!

Tiffanee said...

Thanks! This will help me a ton. Love all the help you are giving me on freezer cooking. Keep throwing it at me!!

Katie said...


Thanks! I am so glad this has helped you!!!

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