I have always been a Cheerio fan, but I had yet to try the Multi Grain variety. I absolutely love regular Cheerios and the Chocolate Cheerios. I really enjoyed the Multi Grain and look forward to incorporating them into my diet for some breakfasts. The slightly sweet flavor was a nice surprise, as I expected them to be pretty bland.

As I have mentioned on here several times, I have been making strides in 2011 to eat healthier. I was already on the path of being active but I needed to combine the two. The Biggest Loser and Multi Grain Cheerios have teamed up and created a website that has all kinds of tools to help you on your path to getting healthy! After entering the code on your box of Multi Grain Cheerios you can access tools including:
•A Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator to gauge how much weight you may need to lose or gain to be considered healthy and not at risk for serious health problems
•An exclusive 7 Day Plan that pairs daily meal plans with cardio and strength-training routines
•15 tasty recipes that will give your body the fuel it needs to get through the day
•Daily workouts that couple cardio with mobility and resistance exercises to hit major muscle groups
Eating Multi Grain Cheerios for breakfast along with the online tools will help in making steps toward a healthier weight. With only 110 calories per serving, Multi Grain Cheerios has over 16 grams of whole grain per serving. You can't go wrong with that!
Multi Grain Cheerios, The Biggest Loser, and My Blog Spark are going to supply one of The Cutting Back Kitchen readers with this awesome "Biggest Loser" prize pack which includes: a box of Multi Grain Cheerios which includes an exclusive online code, a gym bag, water bottle, and cereal container.

Want to win the prize pack?
1. Comment and tell me what steps you will take towards being the Biggest Loser at home.
Extra Entries
(Make sure to leave your email so I can inform you if you are the winner)
2. Subscribe to The Cutting Back Kitchen via email or RSS
3. Follow The Cutting Back Kitchen
4. Like The Cutting Back Kitchen on Facebook
This giveaway ends at 11:59 on Feb. 5. Winner will be drawn at random.
Disclosure - I was not paid for this post and all opinions are my own. Cheerios provided me the product through My Blog Spark for review and honest opinion.
Morning! This looks awesome!
1. I am currently doing weight watchers and exercising. Watching what I eat alot too.
2. I am subscribed via email.
3. I already follow The Cutting Back Kitchen
4. I already Like The Cutting Back Kitchen.
Good luck!! Hope I win lol
I'm really liking this one...I am trying to eat healthier and loose some weight.....I subscribe email, i follow, and i like....
Hope I win! This is great thank you
I am cooking healthier over all for the whole family. Hubby is actually in a biggest loser thing at work. Still gotta get my butt moving however.
Email & RSS subscriber....
I follow you....I feel like such a stalker!! lol
I like you on facebook very much!!
I'm trying to incorporate more veggies into our meals. And for snacks.
I subscribe via email!
I have added you as one of "my favorites"--do I have to do all four? No facebook for me.
We are enforcing "watch what you eat" at home and buying more healthy foods and less junk! Yea!
I am a follower.
I am trying new low fat/low cal dishes that family like well enough to become regular dishes to replace the high cal/high fat current dishes. Also, hubby is encouraging me on the treadmill.
already a email subscriber:)
I've been getting on the treadmill (or as I call it the 'dread'mill!) every morning at 6:00a.m.! It's hard but I have about 10 pounds of pregnancy weight to loose. Also, been drinking lots more water!
mdlangmead at gmail dot com
New follower!
mdlangmead at gmail dot com
Subscribed with Google RSS!
mdlangmead at gmail dot com
You have really been inspiring me girlie to get my behind off the couch and MOVE. I will take the first step by taking the shrinkwrap one of my many DVD's and then USE it. :)
I subscribe via google reader and email.
I am a follower... :)
Now I'm a follower!
amdamsteegt at gmail dot com
I am trying to eat healthier and exercise!!
I am a follower!!
Me & the girls at work were walking on our lunch hour before Christmas....but we have backslid!! Planning on starting back if the temp is over 35 degrees!! sduduit@yahoo.com
I plan on cuting down on junk food
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
I subscribed to your feed via google reader
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
Google Friends Connect - following your blog publicly as Louis
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
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