I was a bad couponer, I didn't do any coupon match-ups this week...I didn't get around to it. I mentioned on Menu Plan Monday that were are having company for lunch Sunday. I had planned to make something pretty easy like spaghetti and brownies since it is right after church. That sounds good, right? Well, one of the guests said with much enthusiasm last week, "We are really excited because we heard you are a REALLY good cook!!!!"
Ummm...ok....who told her that, because that is definitely not me! So now the pressure is on and I am scared to cook for them!! I decided to make apple pie because that is a little better than Duncan Hines brownies. I love to cook, but I admit I very rarely have people for dinner because it is intimidating to me. Does anyone else feel that way????
Total spent this week is $20.84 and $19.16 dumped into the cow fund!
Who says spaghetti can't be "fabulous?" :) Honestly, the state of my house (is it clean enough?!?! Are the improvement projects/boards/etc out of sight?!?!) usually has me more nervous than the food. I'm sure whatever you make will be very delicious :)
Love the bananas, now don't go bananas worrying about what you will serve. It will be fabulous and delicious because you put your heart in it!
Noelle, very cute! I never would have thought of that!
10 cent bananas? I've never seen them cheaper than 38 cents!!! WOW. I can never find the bargins :)
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